Jewish Calendar Form
Jewish Year 5785/ September 2024-September 2025

Be a part of the community and put your birthdays, anniversaries and yahrtzeits in the calendar!
Keep them all in one place, with enough room to add other important events!

Dear Friend,

SHARE your life’s joys, and honor the memory of loved ones in Chabad in Simcha Monica's Jewish calendar.
Put in your important dates and share the occasion with the community.

Show your support for Chabad in Simcha Monica!
Have your business advertised on our calendar pages.

This calendar will be mailed out free of charge to thousands of homes in the community and distributed free of charge in local stores and markets.

FILL OUT the information below or call our Calendar co-ordinator Rabbi Sholom Heidingsfeld at 310-266-7702 or email [email protected]

Thank you for your support and friendship.

Yes! I would like to advertise in the Jewish Art Calendar!
*Business listings, personal messages, bar/bat mitzvah announcements, graduating student, etc. can be placed in a business card ad space.
Date Honors (See section II below) $20   Business Card on center page
Business card on month $280   Double Business Card $540
4 Business cards
$1000   Business Card on each calendar month

Please include my family birthdays/yartzeits/anniversaries - $20 each
* Please type names exactly as you'd like them to appear in our calendar
* Dates can be entered either on the Hebrew date or the Secular date
* All birthdays, anniversaries and yartzeits will be displayed in the calendar box on the date which they occur
* Years are not required but will assist us in determining your Hebrew Birthday (Years will NOT be printed in the calendar).
*In order for the correct Hebrew dates to be calculated, please indicate if event took place after sunset of secular date.
   Please use the dates you have on file from last year    
Name #1 Occasion #1:
Name #2 Occasion #2:
Name #3 Occasion #3:
Name #4 Occasion #4:
Name #5 Occasion #5:
Name #6 Occasion #6:

First Name   I would like to help this worthy cause but would not like to have any message printed in the calendar. Please charge my card below.
Last Name   I will send in a check to Chabad
Company (optional)   Please see my Greeting Ad and advertisement choice and charge my card.
Address   Amount to Charge
City   Card Type
State   Card Number
Zip   Expiration Date
Phone   CVV Code
Email Address   Comments

Please include advertisement information and text of your message below. Camera-ready ads can be emailed to c[email protected]
or mailed to PO Box 1997, S. Monica, CA 90406